


Quiz : 次の言葉を英語で言ってみましょう。4文字熟語編

商業施設:Commercial facility ,All service stop
 (cf; accommodation =宿泊施設)
新装開店 : Reformed(/renovated) shop
大衆食堂 : No frills restaurant, Diner
ex:ANA domestic airline is a no-frills airline
非常階段 : Emergency stairs
防火水槽 : Fire prevention water tank
self sufficiency:自給自足
popular items:人気商品
health care : 健康管理
capitalism : 資本主義
archaeologist : 考古学者
Indian summer : 小春日和
Parking violaion: 駐車違反
Metabolism : 新陳代謝
Free transportation : 振替輸送
Solar battery : 太陽電池

球体:ball (sphere)
長方体:tank (rectangular)
立方体 : cube dice 

vocabulary list

reformed ≒ Changed
renovated ≒ renewed
Frill:something special(特別な(サービス))
steps :( uniformity 均一な) 
Fire water=whisky
sequence : 順序
Violation : 違反
atmosphere : 大気、雰囲気
Hemisphere : 半球;Japan in in the north hemisphere.
study hard ⇔ hardly study
Astronomer :天文学者
shovel snow : 雪かき
Ambulance chaser : Low scale layer (≒Ham and egg layer,A type of layer to look for quick money)

次のレッスンは 2月14日 9:30~11:00 小会議室Bです。


Hello, How are you?

When you meet someone for the first time this greeting is quite common, here are some others you can use:

How is it going?

Where have you been?

What’s going on?

The above question are a cause for someone to give a long story explaining their situation.

Always feel free to interrupt if you can not follow or that you want to ask for more details. You can use these questions for example:

Could you please slow down?

Can you repeat that?

I am sorry I can’t follow you.

If you want to ask follow up questions for example :

How long did you stay?
Could I do that to?
Was it difficult to arrange?

These are the types of question you can ask to further the conversation and enjoy the company of the person.  See you next week.





Year of Dog
Other name of a dog is a canine(K-9)

What sign of the Chinese zodiac are you born in?

What sign are you?  // I was born in the year of the dog.

What is your horoscope?  // I am a leo.

Do you believe in horoscopes?
Yes I do./No I don't.

Do you believe in the the stars?

For most of western people Oriental people should be Chinese.


テキスト『旅行の英会話』P.114 クレームとトラブル
It's very important to deal with the customers.

The amount on the bill is wrong. / Can I see the bill?I haven't used it at all./Let me know when you use it/Will you exchange it?/Sure but do you have the receipt?Can I have my money back? / What's wrong with the goods. This is the receipt. / Thank you.(I don't need it)I didn't get the receipt. / I'm sorry .Here's your receipt.I lost my receipt. / We need receipt first before we can exchange goods for money.( I'm sorry. No receipt no refund.)Please call the person who sold me this. / What's the problem?(What's wrong)It doesn't work at all. / What's wrong with that?(What happened?)How long will it take to fix it? /It's about 10 days(1 week)Can you fix it and send it to Japan? / I'm sorry it's my first case this kind of problem.Can you wait?

Vocabulary list

Leo(Lion;ラテン語のライオン): しし座
Pisces : うお座
Social convention : しきたり、慣習
Lukewarm : 生ぬるい、気乗りしない(熱心ではない)
My coffee is lukewarm
My feeling is lukewarm about Governor Koike improve Tokyo Economy
Oriental : 東洋人
Fortune teller : 占い師
Palm reading:手相占い
self employed : 自営業者
Pot Luck : 福袋、[cf;Pot luck lunch]
Jack pot : スロットマシーン 
Prohibited : 禁止されている
Seat charge : お通し料(席料)
Declare: 申告する
shop lifting:万引き
Read the room:空気を読む


New Year Supplimental

Sample Conversation

John: How did you spend holidays?/ how was your holidays ?
Bill:   They were very relaxing.
John: Wow, what did you do ?
Bill :  Just stayed home and took it easy; I watched tv all day.

Taking it easy - not doing anything stressful- 休んでる


Happy New Year

Let’s enjoy English this year

This year is the year of the “DOG”

In the Chinese astrological calendar  every 12 years it goes
into a new cycle. Here are some questions you can ask people:

1. What year were you born in?
2. Do you believe in Chinese horoscope ?
3. What’s your sign?
4. Do you follow your astrological sign?

Here is a sample conversation

A:  Hey, how are you?
B:  I am fine and you?
A: I am okay. What are you doing with that book?
B: I am checking my sign.
A:  Your sign?
B:  Yes, I was born in the year of the dog. How about you?
A:  I really don’t know.
B:  What year were you born in?
A:   I was born in 1993.
B:   Let me check. You were born in the year..,

Well that’s your quiz question , what year was “A” born in.

See you next week.
Louis Llera